Raven - CBBC TV series Wiki

[The movie begins with the date showing May 16, 2008. As the remains of a neighbourhood in Picher, Oklahoma, after an attack by an EF4 tornado, with 175-mph winds, are shown as the screen pans out, police officers are running in panic during slow-motion. Raven interrogates The Joker in the Interrogation Room.]

  • Raven: The minions. Why’d you create so many?
  • The Joker: What, you want one? Copy-bird...

[Raven lunges at The Joker until the wall explodes. Zod comes in.]

  • General Zod: Get away from him!
  • Raven: I'm handling this...

[Zod walks up to The Joker, tosses the table aside, picks him up and slams him to the wall.]

  • General Zod: You drugged me! Made me... Nevar. My friends...!
  • The Joker: First Krypton, now America. People you love tend to blow up, don't they? [Zod angrily raises his fist.]
  • Raven: Zod, don't! [Zod aims his punch, but misses The Joker and punches the wall.]
  • The Joker: That's why I like you, Zod. You're much more gullible than...

[He winces at Raven. Zod tosses The Joker to another wall. As he walks up, The Joker gets up and sits on the chair.]

  • The Joker: You think you can have a family. That locking me up will magically reform me. And, then, they'll be safe. So big, so dumb... Now, run along, so I can break out of here. I've got lots of planning to do to top this! [Zod picks up The Joker.]
  • Raven: That's enough! [Raven tries to back Zod off, but he swats him away.]
  • The Joker: I know it's soon, but... Think you'll ever love again? Maybe you won't kill your next family...

[The Joker giggles insanely. Zod raises his arm and, as Raven looks in shock, he drives his hand through The Joker's body. The scene fades to black. The title card rolls: Raven: Injustice - Gods Among Us.]
